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Posted by: Orisla Admin

(Sticky) Welcome to Orisla

Welcome to Orisla, Islanders.
Here is a little information on what the site and larger project hope to accomplish, and then we will get into how it pays to engage.

This project was created as a means of providing every person with everything they need to lead a happy and successful life. It's accomplished by using this platform to gain the funds necessary to modernize the emergency shelter system into fully self-sufficient neighborhoods with onsite case coordination to ensure needs are being met.

The programs on this site will come in the form of amenities and services, all engineered to be fun with a focus on improving relationships between individuals and organizations. Most features on the site are free to use, others will pay you, and there are optional paid services to help you succeed.

For instance, the Reward Tab allows businesses to pay you to watch their advertisements and go on quests for site rewards and financial compensation.

The emergency shelters we will be constructing will not be bunk beds in a building with many other families / strangers, but will be homes and apartments with enough rooms and garden space to feed the family as well as provide the means for extra income in a variety of ways.

If you were to utilize a shelter in the Midwest USA at this time, you could expect to attend regular (sometimes daily) religious gatherings that may be in conflict with your culture. Your primary job would be to do chores for the building in exchange for residency, and your time out of the building may be restricted to as few as two hours a day. In addition, there may be social conflicts. It may be in dangerous areas with high crime and pressure. There may be bed bugs or roaches. If you have no vehicle, no job, and a family, it's easy to feel hopeless. 
Imagine being in that position. Imagine being threatened with eviction for being out longer than two hours because it takes three to walk to and from the employment office. When you get back to the room you realize your partner got the same threat for a different reason: they had to watch your children and still try to do chores. As a result, the chores weren't fully completed. So, you have to finish the chores after "Chapel", turning down an offer to buy a small amount of drugs to take the edge off as you do. Once finished, you spend the first real time with your children. You have to make it quick, though, because lights out is coming up fast. Then, you lie down on an uncomfortable, stained mattress with thin sheets, trying to sleep through the bites so you can do it again tomorrow, all while the strangers around you do the same.

We can do better than that, right?

This project seeks to amend the above experience in the following ways.
Once you arrive on site with your family, you are shown to an apartment that is waiting for you. It has been cleaned, items have been replaced, and it is already furnished. There are clean clothes and a hot shower waiting for you, and the fridge is already stocked. The person guiding you to your apartment then gives you the key, and gives you a chance to freshen up before showing you the rest of the area. In the meantime you're free to explore the apartment or house, as well as the backyard. You will have enough garden space to grow enough food for your family, or it can be repurposed for other projects if you don't need a garden. You will also have a form of renewable energy in your yard that will produce enough wealth to cover your rent and maintenance of the unit, and give you a little bit of spending cash each month.
From there, you can resume the tour and see the community area where there are tools and crafts to build skills, create art, socialize, or play. The surrounding area is an event space with monthly planned events with the option of creative input and engagement from you and the other residents. The event space also has different options for conducting business, including vendor areas, cafes, etc. 
From there, you're in charge of what you do and how you spend your time.
Intervention comes in if you engage in behaviors that are dangerous to yourself or others. This is determined by physical harm as well as emotional or mental abuse. For this reason, it is important to meet with a professional once a month who will help ensure you and your family are thriving. If you are engaging in abusive behaviors without realizing it, the professional will help you improve your dynamics and work with you to create a plan. If you're willing to put effort in, you're not going to be evicted.
After some time and planning you may be interested in finding fulfilling work based on your passions (maybe even a new one that you've only just discovered).
So you look for some work, but it isn't like it was before. This time around, you have the option to be choosy about what work you do. Your needs are met, so no employer is able to give you poor working conditions. If you arrive at a job and it isn't what you agreed on, you can afford to just leave if it cannot be salvaged. Maybe you would work at a job that can't afford to pay you as much as you'd like, but you decide to stay just because you enjoy it.
No matter what you do, you can quickly save up for the down-payment on a home. These units are not intended to house anyone indefinitely, though that is an option if needed. So you put a down-payment on a home and move out.
It may take as little as six months to a year. 
Coming in with nothing, and leaving with new skills, new friends, a new job, and a new home.

How does it pay to engage?

1. The first and easiest way to get paid to engage is to use the Rewards Tab. Businesses will place their ads here and pay you to watch them. In addition, financial rewards can be given for the completion of quests, also located in the rewards tab.

2. The second way to get paid to engage is to comment something useful under a post. This will likely be easier if you are offering an expert opinion or advice. People are more likely to reward your contribution if it is well constructed and credible. If your contribution is not being well received, you can use our rating system to find out why. The ratings are below every topic and comment and provide 1 word feedback as to why the user giving the rating does or does not want to see more contributions like yours.

3. Creating a Topic or running a Sub-Category. Users who create Topics or Sub-Categories will be in charge of moderating them, but will also receive the majority share of each Recognition shared within that Topic or Sub-Category. For instance: if you make a topic that someone else comments in, if the person who commented receives Recognition, so do you. A breakdown of who gets what and how much is provided at the end of the list.

4. Running a shop. Use the Shop tab to make a shop. You can also click the box in your profile management area that says "Hire me for support" to become available for hire to other individuals who are running a shop.

5. Content Collaboration Option. If you have created content and would like to get more eyes on it, you are welcome to send a request for collaboration to a business in the rewards tab. If you are able to negotiate with the business: viewers will get paid to watch your content, and you will receive a portion of the advertising budget for every viewing.

Here is a quick breakdown of how much you'll receive:

Recognition given to a Topic:

User who made the topic: 50%

Site: 50%

Note: If you create a Topic with a Paywall, you will receive 90% of the Recognition given to access content behind the paywall and the site will receive 10%

Recognition given to comment within a Topic:

User who made topic: 10%

User who received recognition: 45%

Site: 45%


Recognition given to a Topic in a Sub-Category:

User who made topic: 60%

Creator of the Sub-Category: 20%

Site: 20%

Note: this is the same for Paywalls created in Sub-Categories


Recognition given to a comment in a Topic in a Sub-Category:

User who made the comment: 60%

User who made the topic: 10%

User who created the Sub-Category: 10%

Site: 20%

(Also, here is a reminder of the suggested site rules. If you would like to participate in the discussion to update or alter these rules, please follow this link: )

Minor - Warning
1. Failing to utilize site designations correctly (we should anticipate most new users will need some direction here. The site designations can be confusing at first).
2. Posting someone else's content without citing a source / indicating it is  Not OC (Not original content)
3. Spamming Comments
4. Inappropriate username / avatar

Medium - Bans: 1 day to 1 week

1. Speech that is attacking individuals or groups
2. Failing to adjust accordingly following repeated warnings
3. Attempting to steal the content from other users for financial gain
4. Posting NSFW content outside of a NSFW designated sub-category

Major - Block
1. Failing to adjust accordingly following repeated bans
2. Scamming others / Posting links to Phishing or harmful sites
3. Impersonating another individual, or pretending to represent an organization
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Posted by: juliettemonroyr

How meditation and yoga changed my life: A tool for anxiety and stress management

-Juliette Monroy

A year ago, my mind was a constant battle of anxiety and noise. Today, through meditation and yoga, I've been able to find a peace I never knew was possible before. I want to share with you my story of transformation, and how you can get started on your journey. I always thought meditation would be impossible for me. I can't stay still or empty my mind. It's funny because I've done yoga for over six years. 
Most people don't know it, but meditation is a huge part of yoga. Meditation, at its core, is meant to improve your present-moment awareness and reach a state of "mindfulness," which is basically getting your mind to be fully present in the moment to connect with what you're doing. How often do we hear the saying “The past and future don’t exist; we only have this moment”? What happens when we live in the past? Depression, and if we live in the future? Anxiety.
 I often find that my happiest moments are not during exciting events. They come when I can sit back and enjoy what's happening. It’s sitting in the morning with my boiling cup of coffee, admiring the view from my apartment. It’s when I’m walking aimlessly in the park. It’s chilling on the couch with my friends watching a good movie. Those little moments when everything gets quiet and you feel plenty, that’s the point of meditation: to train your mind to be fully there with you at all times.
Going back to how I got started with this journey, it all goes back to wanting to get deeper in my yoga practice. In the West, yoga is seen as a physical practice. You can use it as exercise if that’s what you’re looking for. But if you want, it can also be a highly spiritual and mental practice, which is what I’ve been trying to do for the past year. It all started with me trying to find a natural remedy for my anxiety and a healthy way to let loose. Before any yoga practice, you should do some breathing exercises, called pranayamas. There are many kinds, with different purposes. Some are for energy, others to settle down. The one thing that they have in common is that they all help make you present in the moment.
When starting your meditation, I’d recommend always starting with a pranayama to calm your nervous system down. I usually use “box breathing," and it does the trick. It’s just taking a deep breath for 4 seconds, holding it in for another 4, and then breathing it out for 4 more. This is one of the simplest yet most effective tools I’ve found for starting my meditation and my yoga practice. Not only to meditate, but I use it in any stress-inducing situation and it does wonders for me.
 So, if you feel overwhelmed, or you don’t know where to start, don’t worry! There are a million free resources to help you get started. I recommend, from my experience, the Netflix doc "The Mind Explained." It explores the mind and meditation's effects on the brain. Also, the HBO series "Calm" which features experts and celebrities discussing mindfulness and its impact on well-being. When you’re just getting started, it’s really helpful to try if a guided meditation works for you. You can try guided meditations by “Insight Timer," which has a wide variety of options for different purposes and at all levels.
Now my final tip, I’d highly encourage everyone to try to do yoga as well if it’s in your possibilities. I just got my teacher certification this past summer in Bali. I had been practicing for over 5 years before that. But, I realized I wasn't getting the most out of it. Now, I know how to meditate and the importance of breathing. I understand what each pose is for. Also, yoga's mission is not to do a handstand or an impressive final pose. For me, yoga is a way of living and a practice of getting to know yourself, is taking a little time every day where you try to connect with a deeper reality.

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Posted by: GHope

Help For Survivors

I wanted to make a safe place for survivors to come together since many survivors aren't able to share publicly for concern of traffickers finding them. I tried to do this on Facebook but they refused to even respond & we learned through congressional hearings that they do not keep our info private 

The first post in this thread is from Amanda Buys Kanaan Ministries where she posts over 900 specific prayers in pdf form to download without charge - the first one I'm posting is a renouncement prayer for oaths taken by ancestors in Masonic rituals

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Posted by: GHope
Last reply: GHope


In 2020, I noticed the metal light poles going up in the country by the farming lands - they're almost twice the size of the regular light poles. I came across this podcast that includes some important content (you just have to get past the condescending tone - I only began learning about these technologies 4yrs ago but want to keep learning). I guess besides this info being important the point for podcasters is to be respectful towards your audience - This vid is Mirrored - not my content
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Posted by: Hiraeth
Last reply: Angege

Any opinions or advise before starting up a business?

So yeah, I am planning to start a small 'online' business and doing some research for it. Anyone who can give some insights, opinion or just an advise before diving in to the world of Business?

Thank you so much~!
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Posted by: Jannah
Last reply: GHope

Healthy Living

I'm searching a lot about different kinds of vegetables juices and how can I make it at home. I like avocado juice. What's your favorite juice? 

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Posted by: princessblossom17
Last reply: GHope

Sunrise? or Sunset?

Me both got to share our sunset vibes here, last week.

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Posted by: Javid
Last reply: Javid

Don't lose hope

I had an incredibly difficult time these days. Like I hit rock bottom and after a few days I am feeling much worse. I want to share lessons I learned:

1) This doesn't work narcissistic people. Kindness, understanding, empathy for others win at the end. You can make friends even aa an adult with social anxiety thanks to these qualities 

2)  Life is so complex. Many times, it gets much worse before it's suddenly starting to get much better suddenly 

3)  Say, I know exactly what I need to do but i just can't bring myself to do it. In suxh situations, although this is extremely difficult, I pretend I am feeling very happy and nothing is bad. Suddenly I may start believing it for a short time with happy mood. Then, before my mood starts to get worse, I quickly implement my plans. Implementing them gives me additional dopamine 

4) having pets, spending time in nature and observing how innocent little bugs, butterflies are can help me if everything else fails

5) visiting some building which waa built on, say, 1800s. I start to wonder how life waa in those days, i kinda sense history around me. Like... these walls have seen a lot of people, have heard a lot of conversations 

Of course, I don't live your life. It's easy to preach but hard to do to follow my own lessons for myself. I have understood that countless times i myself break these rules. but, i believe in them. 

Thanks so much for your time and attention to read my post. I feel grateful. Feel free to share yours 

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Posted by: Angege
Last reply: Basma1990

April 8


they said that is was alarming on some countries and on others are preparing.

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Posted by: Jannah
Last reply: Angege

Celebrity Look alike

Did anyone told you once? or twice? 

I guess this is so funny to talk about! lol

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Posted by: iam_louise
Last reply: BigOleBobcat

Do you believe in mermaids?

I haven't seen one, and hopefully not. But I do believe that mermaids exist, and other entities too. Has anyone experienced anything unusual relating to other entities?

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