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Orisla News Network
Rec Total: 6

What do journalists write about when nobody is forcing them to write buzz pieces?
The ONN is trying to create a network of independent journalists collaborating to ensure accuracy, integrity, and freedom in journalism.

Rec Total: 44

This is a sub-category for sharing memes you've found from around the world wide web or that you've made yourself. 


Orisla Creative Club
Rec Total: 0

This is a club focusing on creative expression across multiple mediums. We hold contests, have discussions, and more!


smklgx Self Defense System
Rec Total: 0



Reader's Corner
Rec Total: 2

Reader's Corner is a book club that was formed with the primary intention of bringing people together to share their love for literature. It provides an atmosphere where avid readers can come together to discuss and analyze books in an enjoyable and relaxed setting. Members of the book club get the opportunity to discover new books, broaden their horizons, and delve deeper into the stories that they read. Members are free to suggest books for the club to read, and they take turns in moderating the topic at hand. The club promotes an atmosphere of inclusivity, where diversity of opinions and perspectives is welcomed and encouraged. Whatever your background or literary tastes, Reader's Corner has something for every reader.

The Truth About Honey Bees
Rec Total: 0

AS CONCERN FOR DECLINING POLLINATORS MOUNTS, many businesses and homeowners are stepping up to help by installing honey bee hives on rooftops and in backyards across the country. But according to Scott Black, executive director of the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, “Keeping honey bees to ‘save the bees’ is like raising chickens to save birds.”

Like chickens, pigs, cattle and other livestock, honey bees—not native to North America—are domesticated animals, agrees National Wildlife Federation Naturalist David Mizejewski. “While vital to agriculture and the economy, keeping honey bees is not wildlife conservation.”

European imports
Colonists brought honey bees from Europe beginning in the 1620s as a source of wax and sugar. Legend has it they were known as “white man’s flies” because Native Americans often spotted the insects before the human settlers. With the advent of modern agriculture in the 1930s—when huge farms displaced habitats that housed crop-fertilizing native pollinators—“someone had the idea that you can box up honey bees and move them around the country to pollinate crops,” says Black. Today, beekeepers contribute to more than $15 billion of crop production annually.

This system has not been sustainable, however. With their hives impacted by pesticides, parasites and diseases such as colony collapse disorder, beekeepers lose more than 40 percent of their colonies each year, notes a recent survey by the nonprofit Bee Informed Partnership.

But the honey bee is hardly at risk of extinction. “There are more honey bees on the planet today than at any time in history,” says Black. Writing in Scientific American, Alison McAfee, a honey bee researcher at North Carolina State University, notes: “For some reason, maybe because they are small, honey bees are not generally viewed as the massively distributed livestock animal that they are.”

North America’s native bees, on the other hand, are in trouble—and these insects bear little resemblance to the familiar honey bee. Unlike honey bees, more than 90 percent of our nearly 4,000 native bee species live not with other bees in hives but alone in nests carved into soil, wood or hollow plant stems. Often mistaken for flies, the majority are tiny and do not have queens or produce honey. Without a hive’s larvae and food supplies to defend, “native bees almost never sting,” Mizejewski says. “Most people know close to nothing about our continent’s native bees.”

Native bees in peril
Scientists, meanwhile, know little about the population status of most indigenous bees, but the data they do have indicate that many species are declining. Of particular concern: bumble bees, which are better studied than most natives because they are commercially valuable pollinators of crops such as tomatoes. According to a 2015 analysis by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Bumblebee Specialist Group, 28 percent of North America’s 47 bumble bee species “face some level of extinction risk.” These include several once-common and widespread species such as the rusty patched bumble bee, federally listed as endangered in 2017. 

The culprits behind native bee declines include pesticides, disease, habitat loss and climate change. But scientists say competition with honey bees may also play a role. In a 2017 report in Conservation Letters, researchers calculated that during three months, honey bees in a typical 40-hive apiary collect the equivalent amount of pollen and nectar as 4 million solitary wild bees. “Brilliant foragers,” honey bees can “dominate floral resources and suppress native bee numbers,” says lead author Jim Cane, a retired federal biologist who heads the nonprofit WildBeecology.

Honey bees also carry diseases that can infect natives, including deformed wing virus and the parasite Crithidia bombi. Researchers have found that native bees near apiaries can suffer a high incidence of such illnesses.

If you want to help bees, “the most important thing to do is grow a diversity of flowering native plants that bloom throughout all seasons,” Mizejewski says. Many native bees are pollen and nectar specialists, so include plants that they need. For nesting sites, leave bare patches of soil and, if safe, fallen logs or dead trees. “Let plant stems stand through winter,” he adds, “and never use pesticides.”

Is it okay to keep one or two healthy backyard beehives if there’s enough food to go around? “Honey bees are cool,” Cane admits. If you enjoy raising them or if it’s a teaching or learning experience, go ahead. But keep in mind that “you’re doing this for yourself,” he says, “not to help bees.”


Rec Total: 0

Discussions on what makes us different or normal, and some goofs and gaffs on fitting in.

Subcategory for shop \
Rec Total: 0

Defend-Em Solutions is a specialized agency that specializes in content moderation services. Our primary focus is on moderating images, videos, and texts/comments on various social media platforms. Additionally, we extend our moderation services to gaming apps and dating sites, ensuring a safe and secure online environment for users. 

To achieve optimal results, we employ a comprehensive approach that combines the power of AI tools and the expertise of human moderators. This unique combination allows us to effectively identify and address any potentially harmful content, ensuring the protection of both brands and online communities. 

Understanding the importance of timely action, we provide round-the-clock services. This ensures that no harmful content goes unnoticed, as we are committed to maintaining the integrity and reputation of our clients' brands and the safety of the online community as a whole.

Crazy thoughts
Rec Total: 0

This is an invitation for fun and engagement. All thoughts are welcome and appreciated.


Rec Total: 0

Share your most memorable summer vacation. and would you recommend it ?