
Subcategories : Support Groups : Parenting Support Group

Posted by: DimmaDontTalkToMe

This Topic is for supporting parents. 

I will continue to update this Topic with resources for parents.
If you have specific situations you'd like specific insights on how to handle, please share them in the comments. 

Much of the tips and insights we offer here will be based on the 123 Magic curriculums with some adjustments based on Trust-Based-Relational Interventions and feedback from parents and caseworkers in the field. Feel free to discuss any points covered here and they will be adjusted if necessary. 


For discipline we use the counting method followed by time-outs. With this it is important to recognize that we don't recommend corporeal punishment (spanking) as it does not work and can have lasting psychological effects ( ) . However, you're welcome to utilize variations of the counting method as long as you incorporate what makes it effective. 

The counting method itself is fairly simple. The child is doing something they aren't supposed to do, and you tell them what they're doing wrong and what the consequences of continuing to misbehave are. If they continue to misbehave you count to 1 followed by about 5 seconds of silence. Then 2, followed by another 5 seconds of silence. Once you hit 3, the child is moved to a time out. The time out should be about 1 minute for every year old they are. 3 year olds get 3 minutes, 4 year olds get 4 minutes, etc.

Already we have reached a point where many parents struggle. What makes the counting method effective is in fact the periods of silence between each count. That is when the child is weighing their options. Many parents will speak between the counts or will be exhibiting high-energy emotions, both of which distract the child from their task of being accountable for their actions. 

Many times you'll find that once a child becomes aware of the process, they will wait until you reach 3 before they start complying. Remember, 3 is a time-out. You're welcome to give in to this if you can live with it if you'd like, but your message to the child is "You don't have to listen until I say 3", and you open yourself up to an argument. For example, 

Parent - "I need you to stop playing in the dirt"
Child - Doesn't say anything, continues playing in the dirt
Parent - "That's 1..."
Child - Stays the course, doesn't respond to the Parent
Parent - "That's 2..."
Child - Continues
Parent - "That's 3, time for a time out"
Child - Standing up quickly, "BUT I WAS GETTING OUT OF THE DIRT, SEE? I'M NOT IN THE DIRT".

In instances like this, the child is trying to test your boundaries and utilize a testing tactic (Temper, Martyrdom) to try to tell you that if you follow through with making them have a time out, they're going to have a tantrum. They are also trying to tell you that it would be unfair to give them a time-out, since they did eventually comply. This is why it's beneficial to make your expectations very clear, and enforce that once you say 3 it is a time-out: every single time. 

The common testing tactics are as follows: 
Badgering - wearing you down with repetition
Threats - the child gives you an ultimatum
Temper - the child might shout or become extremely emotional
Physical Tactics - breaking things, getting physical with you, threatening to run away
Martyrdom - an attempt to make you feel guilty by showcasing how miserable you're making them
Buttering Up - a set-up for future parental guilt

All of these testing tactics (except for Buttering Up at first) share the common underlying message, "I'm going to make this difficult for you until you give me what I want". Please note that if you give in to that demand, you are not in charge. 

However, this does not mean your child is an evil master manipulator who must be beaten into the ground. In fact, we find the opposite is true. They are not little adults, their emotions are big and often too much for them to handle. They need some help in regulating their emotions, and in recognizing right from wrong. Ultimately if a child does not do the right thing because it is the right thing to do, the time out or time out alternative serves to help guide the child in the right direction. For that reason, it only works if you yourself know how to regulate your emotions and can control your behavior very well. Otherwise you will very likely fall victim to these testing tactics. 
It can be very difficult to deny a child dessert even though they didn't eat all of their dinner, especially when they're rolling on the floor screaming about how much they hate you. If you are not centered and become emotional yourself, it may not be possible to respond in the best possible way. 

Please refer to the emotional support group for more insight in this area. 

Remember, if you have buttons that your child can press and they know it'll distract you from their punishment, they'll probably press it. They know they have found one of these buttons when you start to become emotional and start talking too much. Or even better, they can get you to argue with them. 
Make sure that you have good discussions with your children, and make sure you count when you need to. If you notice them going on the attack or becoming disrespectful, it's a good idea to start counting. Eventually you will reach a point where they either redirect their own behavior by the count of 2, or accept the punishment without having a tantrum. 

The next update will center around time outs in public or with company, collaborating with other authority figures, time out alternatives, and active listening. 

Tags: xParenting, xWeb
Recognition (25)
Posted by: BigOleBobcat

I've been using this on my dogs as well and you know what? Even they get it. It's weird to see them use the same kinds of testing as kids. They must be smarter than we give them credit for


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